WineGB has released its first comprehensive wine tourism report which shows that visits to UK vineyards and wineries have risen by 55% in just two years.

The UK Wine Tourism in 2024 Report details the key activities that WineGB is initiating to support the area and the seven policy changes it is calling on the new Government to make to facilitate growth.

This report is the first of three publications showing how English and Welsh wine is growing rapidly but sustainably. WineGB data shows that 300 vineyards and wineries in the UK are now actively involved in wine tourism, with significant growth and investment forecast for the years ahead. There were 1.5 million visits to vineyards and wineries last year, up 55% compared to 2022, and wine tourism now accounts for a quarter of total income. If the right changes are made, visitor numbers could rise as high as 16m, according to research from VisitBritain[1].

WineGB is calling on the next Government to back wine tourism by introducing Cellar Door Relief and a fairer tax regime; providing better funding for tourism promotion partnerships; expediating domestic and international tourism; improving our planning system; supporting industry training; improving rural infrastructure; and making signposting accessible.

In turn, WineGB is championing wine tourism through four main activities.

  1. Convening those working in wine tourism in our industry through the formation of a Wine Tourism Working Group
  2. Communicating about key issues and creating a united voice
  3. Representing to help raise the profile of wine tourism through membership of the Tourism Alliance
  4. Educating our members through workshops in association with Knight Frank and VisitEngland

The UK Wine Tourism in 2024 Report, which is launched during English Wine Week, can be read in full here.

In August, WineGB will publish its Guide to UK Wine Tourism showcasing examples of best practice from across our industry in all fields of wine tourism, from regional groups and local partnerships to cultural experiences, tours, and hospitality.

Commenting on the report launch, WineGB CEO Nicola Bates said: “Last week in our Manifesto for Growth, we identified the policies that the next Government should take to accelerate our sector’s development. Today’s focused report details the huge value and importance of wine tourism in our industry. It’s our rallying call to introduce changes to tax, planning, marketing, and other areas to reach the 16 million potential inbound visitors. To these potential customers, and the millions in our domestic market, we say: stay, try and buy.”


[1] Visit Britain MIDAS Report December 2022.