People are at the heart of the wine business. It is their passion, stories and vision that grows UK wines.
This part of our website is a work in progress, and we are building our space to showcase the sector. We will be sharing the stories of the people who make our industry; advising on careers while showing how to get into UK wine; and providing resources to support our workers to have flourishing careers. As a member body we are uniquely placed to support our members to create the conditions for the sector to thrive.
Key Statistics
2,300 full-time employees (1)
8,300 seasonal part-time employees (2)
50% female representation (3)
1 and 2 – WineGB industry report 2023, 3 – WineGB Sustainability Impact report 2024
At WineGB, we are committed to supporting the social side of sustainability in the wine industry. That’s why we’ll be releasing new toolkits and resources to help build a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplaces which will mean that more people join, stay and build enjoyable careers. These materials will include everything from policy templates and risk assessments to educational posters and guides, all designed to support your teams. Be sure to check back regularly for the latest updates.
Safety first
For support as a business, individual, or friend, we have crafted a whole series of support and guidance that we gift to the sector because it is too important to put behind a paywall. The safety of our community is the number one concern.
If you have any questions or need additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. This is our first attempt to pull together resources that are useful. We cannot be liable for the information presented by third parties, but to the best of our knowledge they represent the gold standard advice. If you do find a problem with the content or you have suggestions of other bodies to incorporate, please email us directly at office@winegb.co.uk.