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WineGB’s conferences, webinars and other updates for members or public (collectively “Content”) are not intended to constitute formal legal, financial, technical or other advice, or create a lawyer-client relationship. Content is provided in good faith with reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy, but is no substitute for obtaining advice appropriate for your particular circumstances. Participants should not rely upon the Content or act upon any information in the expectation of claiming reliance, and are advised to consult their own legal, financial, technical or other advisors should they wish to rely on it or have any material impact on their businesses or personal situation.

Content is provided “as is.” WineGB and its directors, officers, staff or volunteers do not represent that the content will be error-free, timely, free of viruses or other harmful elements, or that defects will be corrected; no representations are made, express or implied, with respect to the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of any of the content, and any liability or warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement are expressly disclaimed, as well as any liability for any action, or failure to take action, in reliance on any of content. Your sole remedy for any dissatisfaction with any Contents is to refrain from using such Content.