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Sixteen Ridges

The Sixteen Ridges winery resides at Redbank overlooking the picturesque market town of Ledbury and is steeped in heritage and history. Documents held at Hereford Cathedral's chained library dating from the late 13th century detail that St. Thomas Cantilupe (then Bishop of Hereford) instructed the replanting of the Ledbury vineyard, on the south facing slopes of Wall Hills. 750 years on, the newly replanted vineyard and is in one of the prettiest locations in Britain, with rolling hills and views stretching for miles over the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire countryside. Visit to see the vineyards and where the wines are made with an opportunity to taste and buy! Tours for interested groups (from 10 - 40 people) can be arranged, or individuals or groups under 10 people visitors are welcome to visit by prior appointment. Open Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm (by appointment only)

Address Sixteen Ridges Winery, Redbank, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2JL
Call 01531 637119
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