Lower Conygre Vineyard

Topography: 8.5-acres, 6miles E of Mendips; S/SE facing 1:7 slopes, sheltered by colliery batch & M25-rootstock cider apple windbreak; frost-absorbing spring-fed lake.
Geology: pH8 White Lias limestone on Keuper Series Sandstone with smectitic clays,
Planting: 1-1.2 x 2.5m, single Guyot, lime-tolerant rootstocks, in 3 fields, Spring 2021-23:
(1) 0.4ha: PIWIs Cab Noir, Divico & Pinotin.
(2) 0.7ha: Bacchus, Pinot Gris & Blanc; Sauv Blanc; 8 clones Chard.
(3) 0.7ha: 14 clones Pinot Noir & mutations, inc Meunier & 5 of Frühburgunder.
Viticulture: Low intervention, sustainable & biodiverse.
Address | 'Just 3 Words': carpeted.rave.activity, Weekesley Lane, Somerset, BA2 0NH |
Call | 07977464520 |